After a successful collaboration on the short film Miles, director and screen writer Oliver Daly once again asked Territory to create the unique robot vision for A-X-L, his feature film debut about a canine-styled AI unit designed for Attack, Exploration and Logistics.

With the experience of working with Daly and DOP Andrew Gant on the development of the unique vision for the canine robot in Miles, the team came back together in post to create the POV that is such a key element of the robotic character and narrative.

Working with volumetric capture data from Gant’s Depth

Kit rig, Territory‘s creative treatment delivered a unique vision system and POV that ties into storybeats and allows the audience to follow AXL’s evolution from machine to man’s best friend.

In all, the team delivered around 70 AXL vision shots and three projections.

Creative Director - Andrew Popplestone
Producer - Gen McMahon
Design Director - Nils Kloth
Design & Animation - Sam Keehan, Pedro Cyrne, Ryan Close, Kim Taylor, Lee Robinson
Concept Artists - Yugen Blake, Nidia Dias