Produced at Territory Studio

Coming on board in post, Territory Studio was tasked to create rich graphic elements to support director Steven Spielberg’s vision for the real and virtual worlds of Ready Player One. Delivering over 265 VFX shots and over 80 unique assets, the team touched the majority of sequences in the film that feature interactive UI on monitors, visors, HUDs and 3D environmental signage. 
Initially presenting concepts to production designer Adam Stockhausen, Territory’s team lead by Andrew Popplestone continued to work with Digital Domain for all traditional 2D and 3D ‘real world’ graphics and with ILM, for the interactive volumetric graphics featured in the full CG world of the Oasis.

Client - Ambling Entertainment
Director - Steven Spielberg
Production Designer - Adam Stockhausen
VFX Supervisor ILM - Roger Guyett
VFX Supervisor Digital Domain - Matthew Butler
Territory Studio  
Creative Director - Andrew Popplestone
CG Supervisor - Sam Munnings
Lead Designer - Sam Keehan
VFX Producer - Gen McMahon
Line Producer - Alex Reinach